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Gen Y Speaks: I’m a ‘serial entrepreneur’. Here’s why I prefer working on multiple ventures to 1 full-time job

Unlike most of my peers, I don’t hold one single full-time job. Instead, I’m a “serial entrepreneur” — I invest my time and energy in multiple ventures.
This can sound scary and foreign to many. After all, most of us grew up learning that we should choose one path: To study one field, to work in one industry, to fit the mould. But if you have the desire for excitement and learning, why not chart your own journey?
Growing up, I imagined myself following a conventional career path like others.
Coming from a family of modest means, I knew that I needed a stable and lucrative profession to achieve financial security and support my aspirations. Holding a stable job and climbing up the corporate leader was the future I expected. 
At the age of 22, I got a job as an assistant audit associate with one of the Big Four accounting firms. As time passed, I began to grow restless about being confined to a single job in one field. I felt a keen desire for a more dynamic and fulfilling professional life.
A few years later, I received a piece of devastating news: My mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer. 
The decision to leave a stable and lucrative career in accounting at the age of 26 was not made lightly. It came with a considerable amount of apprehension due to the uncertainty and volatility associated with starting and running multiple businesses from scratch. 
But the decision to dive into the uncertain waters of entrepreneurship was not merely a career choice. It was a vital transition so I could provide my mother with full-time care. 
I needed flexibility and better work-life balance. I had to take a leap of faith.
Surprisingly, I discovered more flexibility in achieving work-life balance as a serial entrepreneur. 
I schedule my days to address all my business needs — landscaping and construction in the morning, accounting in the afternoon, and other ad-hoc projects in between. 
I also reserve time for family, health, and personal development, including personal training, social activities, and studying for my doctorate in business administration at Hult International Business School. 
I absolutely love the ability to work remotely, and to combine work with leisure when I’m overseas. Being able to travel more freely also exposes me to new possibilities and perspectives for my business plans. 
Continuous learning is also a key component. I never like to stay stagnant in anything. A career like this keeps me informed and engaged, enabling me to navigate the complexities of running multiple businesses.  
Looking back now, my experience as a chartered accountant laid a strong foundation for my serial entrepreneurial journey. More than numbers; accountancy taught me strategic thinking, problem-solving, and the importance of meticulous planning — all critical skills for any serial entrepreneur. 
By starting in accountancy, I equipped myself with the knowledge and expertise necessary to build and manage successful ventures, and it remains a cornerstone of my professional identity.
It also helped me to build a strong network of mentors, investors, and industry contacts. As a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, I had gained strong support from the community needed to launch and grow my ventures.
I enjoy seeing my ventures through various stages of growth and development. 
For some, I remain deeply involved in their ongoing evolution, guiding them towards long-term success. For others, once they reach stability, I may entrust their day-to-day operations to a skilled team, as I did with my interior design venture. This frees me up to explore new opportunities and ideas.
One of my latest ventures is selling bak kwa, a Chinese sweet-savoury dried meat. We use a recipe handed down through generations in my family — so it’s not just a product, but a piece of our cultural heritage. 
I sell this delicacy on TikTok Shop where I can connect with customers in a fun and engaging way and show them the preparation process and the rich history behind this beloved treat. 
Serial entrepreneurship can be rewarding, but is also fraught with challenges. The exhilaration of turning concepts into reality and leading diverse teams is often tempered by the unpredictability and heavy responsibilities of managing multiple ventures.
Some pros include: 
However, it’s equally important to consider the cons:
I embarked on my serial entrepreneurship journey to provide my mother with full-time care. She has since passed, but my journey continues with what I’ve learnt and experienced so far. 
Forging ahead, my ambition is not only to scale my existing businesses but also to explore new territories where innovation is ripe — sectors like landscape, finance, and design.
To youths trying to find their paths in this volatile world, and to aspiring entrepreneurs especially, stay curious and open to learning. 
Don’t be afraid to take risks and step out of your comfort zone. Surround yourself with supportive and knowledgeable people who can mentor you. 
Most importantly, nurture resilience and adaptability. Whether you choose a “conventional” career path or one full of unknowns, these qualities will define your success through any challenges.
Damien Poh, 31, is the founder of GP Landscape Construction, GP Interior Design, and P&W Consulting. He is also a qualified member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
